Jackson County Overcoming Burnout and Turnover with Dedicated Caseworker Support

With Case Aide Services by Northwoods, Jackson County JFS is supporting workers, promoting psychological safety, reducing burnout, and ensuring employee retention.

Happy Social Work Month: A Thank You Video to Human Services Heroes!

We’re so excited because it’s our favorite time of year — Social Work Month! To celebrate and express our gratitude for all the amazing social workers out there, we created a heartfelt video inspired by NASW’s theme, Compassion + Action. Thank you for all the incredible work that you do!

Beneath the video, you will find highlighted quotes featured in the video. You are all the unsung heroes in our community doing the hard work that makes a real difference every day. Thank you for your commitment, compassion, and courage. 

Want extra resources to celebrate? Check out this roundup of social worker resources including inspirational quotes, travel tunes, and self-care tips.

Featured Quotes from Social Work Month Video:

Social Work Month Quote
You are the heart of our community, making a difference in ways that often goes unnoticed. On behalf of our team, we see you, we appreciate you, and are so grateful to support you.
The work you do isn't easy, but it changes lives.
Thanks for the long hours away from your own families, the many tears shed after a hard day, and for the extreme bravery you show in difficult situations.
My sister has special needs, so she's always had a caseworker who has advocated for her and helped her get the resources and providers that she needs to help her be successful. This has made a really big impact on our family and what you do is invaluable to so many.
Social Work Month Quote
The work that you do, whether that's in the government, schools, social service agencies, it's not easy, but it's vital to our society and makes a huge difference.
Our communities are better off because of your commitment, caring, and courage. As an adopted child, I can testify to the impact of your efforts. Please know that you are appreciated and admired.
Your dedication, hard work, and compassion makes a real difference in the lives of the most vulnerable populations in our communities. Your efforts are seen, valued, and deeply appreciated.
I want to send a special thank you to the social services community. You make it very rewarding to serve those who serve.
Social Work Month Quote

Additional Resources

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