Traverse for Child Welfare

Traverse empowers caseworkers and social workers with the right information at the right time to support their daily work, decision-making, and well-being.

Child welfare workers can use Traverse to:

Identify natural supports for at-risk families

Complete releases of information and refer clients to services faster

Understand a child or family’s strengths, needs, or risk factors

Surface current and historic case information, such as medical reports or police reports, to determine whether there’s enough concern to open a case

Make release forms, consent forms, and other documentation available to families in real time

Quickly get authorizations or supervisor oversight on safety and support plans

Complete case notes, case closings, and obtain collateral information out in the field

Spend time preparing for court, adoption hearings, or reunifications


Gain Quality Time

Repurpose up to 120 minutes per day to focus more quality time on children and families.

Faster Access to Services

Complete forms in less than 10 minutes to make referrals and link families to services faster.

Lessen Burnout

Make workers feel more supported to lessen burnout and slow the rate of turnover.

Build Trust

Spend 70% of time engaging and building trust with families to support permanency.

Deeper Understanding

Locate documents and uncover critical history in 1-2 minutes to quickly understand a case.

Meet Mandates

Meet requirements for investigations and home visits, such as completing 97% of safety assessments on time.

It truly felt like Traverse was built by people who worked in the system to say, ‘there’s got to be something better out there that will have a positive impact on caseworkers working with families.

— JOE KELLERBY, Director of Child Welfare, Mesa County Department of Human Services

Traverse supports child welfare for the lifecycle of the case, including:

Child Protective Services, Investigation, Intake, Assessment,
Ongoing, Case Management, Foster Care, Kinship, Adoption,
Children’s Mental Health, and Children’s Behavioral Health.
Get in touch with us today to receive more information.

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